Three ways to start your journey to emotional well-being.

Choosing a therapist isn't as easy as it might seem. Deciding between the multiple types of psychological currents can be quite a mess when you don't have the necessary knowledge. We'll tell you about the three most important types of therapies today so you can choose with all the information at hand.
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Throughout our lives, we face obstacles and situations that escape our hands. Although we are doing our best to overcome these challenges, coping with challenges that stand between us and our emotional well-being on our own can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, we currently have a powerful tool that can help us not only to go through these moments of crisis, but to transform the way in which we think, react and act in order to face the problems of the future: psychological therapy.

Let's say that we have already decided that we need support to go through this or that situation, now what? The next step, after accepting that therapy is necessary to feel better, is find the right therapist. However, this task can be extremely complicated due to the enormous amount of psychological currents that have been created over years and years of studying the human condition. Don't worry! To make this company easier for you, we have created a short summary of three of the most important trends you need to know before making a decision.


Psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a psychological current that focuses on exploring a person's unconscious to understand internal conflicts and past experiences that influence current behavior and emotions. Through dream analysis, free association and interpretation, psychoanalysis seeks to unravel unconscious patterns that may be affecting a person's life. This current offers deep introspection and can be beneficial for those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves.

Humanist approach

This current focuses on the idea that people have an innate potential for growth and self-realization. In this type of therapy, empathy, authenticity, unconditional acceptance by the therapist and respect for others are extremely important. The concepts and notions of this movement were strongly influenced by philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber and Søren Kierkegaard. In addition, this approach has given rise to three types of therapies:

  • Client-centered therapy: This technique, created by the American psychologist Carl Rogers, challenges the traditional notion of believing that the therapist is an authority figure in the face of patients' intrinsic experiences. Instead, this trend emphasizes concern, care and interest for the patient.
  • Gestalt Therapy: This is a type of holistic approach that considers the influence of the body and culture on the mind. Gestalt therapy was developed by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman between the 1940s and 1950s, and believes that the context of a person's life significantly affects the patient's overall development.
  • Existential therapy: This is a more philosophical than medical approach based on the ideas of the philosophers who influenced the entire humanist movement. This type of therapy focuses on free will, self-determination, and the search for meaning.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a trend developed by Aaron T. Beck and Albert Ellis that focuses on identifying and modifying negative or dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behavior. This therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts influence our emotions and behaviors, and seeks to change cognitive and behavioral patterns that cause discomfort. CBT is highly effective in treating a variety of disorders, such as anxiety, depression and phobias, and focuses on practical strategies and tools to improve quality of life.

These are just some of the most important psychological currents today. Each one has its merits and can be effective depending on each person's circumstances. However, if you are looking to develop practical tools and strategies that allow you to deal with conditions such as anxiety, depression and emotional problems, cognitive behavioral therapy is usually the most appropriate.

In Mindsurf, we have dozens of psychologists specialized in cognitive behavioral therapy just a click away. To find them, you just need to download the application and you can choose the one that best suits your needs. In the end, the most important thing is that you can find the type of help that brings you closer to the emotional well-being you are looking for.

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