Speak Up

Did you know that you can now speak loudly with our virtual assistant? With our new technology, writing is a thing of the past. We'll tell you what it's all about!
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In just a few years we have witnessed amazing advances in the world of technology that have transformed our daily lives. From the arrival of the Internet, which democratized access to information, to the creation of social networks that have connected millions of people around the world, technology has left an indelible mark on our society. However, as we move through this digital age, it sometimes seems that we have lost what once defined us as a species: empathy.

Today, technology is designed to respond to our commands, desires and impulses, regardless of our emotions, fears and joys. We have at our disposal thousands of applications designed to perform the most diverse tasks, without any of them being able to answer us when we most need emotional support... Until today.

Since its creation, Mindsurf has sought new ways to improve the mental and emotional health of its users by facilitating access to therapy, support groups and various practical tools. However, something was missing: the possibility to let off steam out loud with a virtual assistant. If you are a user, you probably know that it has been possible to chat with our artificial intelligence specialized in emotional support and well-being for a long time. Well, now you can talk to her!

This is excellent news: you can express your thoughts and emotions out loud, share your concerns and receive support from intelligence programmed to improve your emotional well-being. In other words, from now on you will be able to immerse yourself in entire conversations in which you can reflect on the ways in which you manage your emotions and discover a new self-care tool that you didn't have before.

In addition, this new tool makes the application Mindsurf Be even more inclusive and friendly, by allowing more people with different disabilities to interact and access valuable assistance. For us, this is super important because we know that being able to talk to someone can make a difference in the lives of those who face emotional, mobility or communication challenges.

Este Voice assistant not only will it make the conversation with our artificial intelligence more fluid, but it also has all the advantages of verbal therapy. Unlike writing, when we speak our words come naturally, intuitively and carefree. We don't stop so much to think about possible ways to say or not to say this or that thing: We just let him out. This, of course, helps us Let's vent more easily.

So now you know! With the new tool of Mindsurf, you can finally experience empathetic technology in action. It doesn't matter if you had a bad day, if you feel overwhelmed or if you don't feel like you can be nice to anyone, from now on you can always talk to someone. Ready to discover a new way to maintain your emotional balance?

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