The sound of tranquility

Noise has infiltrated every corner of our world today. However, not all sounds are deafening or overwhelming. In fact, there are some with the ability to help us sleep better, reduce stress and even lower blood pressure. Discover this oasis of sounds in the midst of the acoustic frenzy that is everyday life with Mindsurf.
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No matter where you go, where you live or what you do, today's world has been invaded by noise. The traffic of cars, video advertising, series, podcasts, conversations, interactions and practically everything we do emits some sound, to the point that all we want at the end of the day is a moment of silence. However, not all sounds are bad: some sound waves do their bit to our well-being.

As we know, the brain is the organ responsible for processing and storing all the information we obtain from our senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and ——of course—— hearing. Different stimuli cause different electrical reactions in our heads. We don't respond in the same way to the smell of our favorite food as to that of the garbage accumulated all week. The same is true with ears and sounds. However, this goes far beyond taste.

Several studies have found that certain sounds are capable of altering the electrical waves in our brain, reducing stress, reducing anxiety, alleviating depression, improving our mood and even our memory. Apparently, some specific rhythms can significantly help slow our heart rate and lower blood pressure, as happens when we sleep. For this reason, listening to these relaxing sounds can be very helpful in getting to sleep. But, What are these magic sounds?

Mantras, songs, prayers and guided meditation

A study conducted by Dr. Glen Rein found that Solfeggio sounds of 528 Hz, found in a large number of sacred songs, have the power to impact DNA. The research analyzed the absorption rate of ultraviolet light (an essential function of healthy DNA) depending on the type of music he played (rock, classical, Gregorian chants and Sanskrit mantras). The scientist concluded that both Gregorian chants and Sanskrit mantras had a positive and healing power in absorbing light. In addition, it has been found that meditation through the repetition of sounds such as songs or mantras can help improve sleep, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Binaural rhythms

Basically, a binaural pulse is a sound caused by two simultaneous waves smaller than 1500 Hz and with a difference of less than 40 Hz between them. What characterizes this rhythm is that it is two different sounds that are heard each in each ear, which creates an auditory illusion. Well, in a study conducted in 2021, it was found that participants undergoing a social stress test who heard binaural pulses had a lower response to factors that produced stress. This technique known in English as Brainwave Entrainment stimulates the brain to align brain waves with the frequency of binaural pulses, which helps with concentration, relaxation and sleep. Some studies have even found that these sounds may help reduce PMS symptoms.

Color noise

You've probably at some point heard of the White Noise The white noise, however, this is not the only sound that has a color that designates it. Several audio engineers have taken on the task of dividing noises according to their hearing frequency into colors. Thus, they have come to classify up to nine types of color noises: purple, blue, gray, green, orange, black, white, brown and pink. We'll tell you about the last three:

  • White noise: This noise is characterized by containing frequencies from the entire hearing spectrum in equal measure. These are noises such as the sound of the fan running, the static sound of the television, or the murmur of a working vacuum cleaner. Researchers have found that these types of sounds can help stop a baby's crying, improve concentration, reduce symptoms of ADHD, and aid sleep
  • Pink Noise: this type of noise, just like the White Noise, can contain frequencies from the entire sound spectrum. However, unlike the first, pink noises lower the power of their frequencies by three decibels with each octave higher, making them sound quieter and calmer. These are noises similar to light rain, river flow, or wind. They can be very useful for causing deep sleep in older adults and improving their cognitive response.
  • Brown noise: This noise also known as Red Noise it contains, like the previous two, frequencies from the entire sound spectrum. However, the power of these frequencies decreases with each octave, that is, twice as much as the frequencies of pink noise decrease. For this reason, the Brown Noise It has a profoundly low sound, similar to that of a waterfall falling, an electrical storm, or a shower with excellent pressure. This noise is from especially useful for people who hear ringing in their ears and for improving cognitive response.

If you think that these are all kinds of sounds that can help your mental health, you're wrong. The world of healing sounds is wider than you could ever imagine. But if you're looking for tools that can help you improve sleep, alleviate your depression, reduce your stress or calm your anxiety, this can be a great path. In the application of Mindsurf, you will find meditation guides and other resources to help you find well-being.










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