Meditate: The Habit of Wellness

Meditation can transform your life, but how do you get started? Here's how to make this ancient practice a daily habit.
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If you're on your path to emotional well-being and are exploring different tools to improve your mental health, someone has probably already told you, “Have you tried meditation?” You may have already tried, but you just can't make it a habit for you. You may feel that it's too challenging, or you may not believe in all the benefits of meditation. If this is your case, keep reading!

Believe it or not, a few minutes of daily meditation can do wonders for your emotional stability. The physical and psychological benefits of this practice are widely recognized by serious medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, since meditation can help us to acquire new perspectives on certain situations, to learn to manage stress, to increase our awareness of ourselves, to focus on the present, to reduce negative emotions, to boost our creativity, to increase our patience and tolerance, to reset our heart rate and to improve the quality of sleep.

Despite the many benefits of meditation, many people struggle to turn it into a regular habit, and it may be that this is happening to you, too. This is due to multiple reasons, but the most common thing is that we don't give this activity the priority it requires to become a habit: we don't commit to regular exercise and we forget to meditate. In addition, we tend to deceive ourselves and create excuses such as “I don't have time” or believing that we only need it when we don't feel well. Fortunately, there are things we can do to finally make meditation a habit.

  1. Define a time and place

Visualize your daily routine: at what time of day could you meditate? , where could you do it at that time? Find a specific time and place and be consistent. Acquiring a new healthy habit is easier when it can be incorporated into the activities we do on a daily basis. Thus, over time, meditating will be as simple as brushing your teeth. It's about turning meditation into a habit. In addition, choosing a comfortable place that invites peace and quiet will make the practice more enjoyable.

  1. Start small

You don't need to become a meditation professional overnight. Maybe at some point you can have sessions of more than an hour without problems, but for starters you can try meditating for just five minutes a day. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the duration, but just five minutes will help you see the benefits of meditation on your body and mind. The important thing is that meditating becomes a simple and pleasant habit.

  1. Make it simple

If you're trying to meditate for the first time, you may feel like you don't know how to do it or you may have the feeling that you're doing it wrong. Don't worry! You can start meditating with the help of applications such as Mindsurf, which will guide you through the practice and that have sessions of different lengths and topics to address. With the help of Mindsurf, you can incorporate meditation into your life in an easy and accessible way just by downloading the app to your phone.

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