How to improve your mental health little by little (Part 2)

To create positive change in your life and to seek your emotional well-being, you don't need to change everything in your life. Sometimes taking small steps toward your goal is better than trying to jump to it.
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If in 2024 your goal is to take care of your mental health and seek your emotional well-being, perhaps the best thing to do is to start with small things that you can incorporate into your daily routine; instead of trying to do it all at once. Find part 1 of this saga here with more small actions that will take you step by step to the place where you want to be. We continue with the 24 small resolutions for 2024!

13. Sign up as a volunteer:

Several studies have revealed that volunteering reduces stress and helps the production of dopamine (the neurotransmitter of happiness). In addition, doing these activities makes us feel more useful and appreciated while supporting others. You can sign up for a dog shelter, a community dining room, a reforestation organization, or any organization aligned with your convictions.

14. Buy a plant (or two):

When nature is too far away, we can still bring nature to us. Buying a couple of plants and taking the time to care for them will make your space more enjoyable and may even improve your mood.

15. Venture out to meditate:

Meditation is one of the fastest and most effective ways to regain calm in turbulent times, find peace and take care of the balance of our emotions. You don't have to become an expert overnight, you can start with small sessions of between 5 and 10 minutes. In Mindsurf, you'll find meditation guides that will help you develop this valuable skill.

16. Watch more silly movies:

Not everything has to be serious. Sometimes all we need on a bad day is to laugh a little. This 2024, set out to laugh more. For this you don't need much, a good silly film will be enough to stimulate the proper functioning of your lungs, heart and muscles, release endorphins capable of relieving pain and giving you a general feeling of well-being.

17. Adopting a pet:

If you have the financial capacity, you have enough time, you have the right space and you want to have a furry companion, do it! Interacting with animals has been shown to lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body and blood pressure. In addition, michis and loins help us feel less alone and improve our mood, even on a cloudy day.

18. Download to social networks:

This is perhaps the most difficult on this list of small resolutions. It's not an easy task, but lowering your screen time on certain social networks could be the change you were looking for. You may not have noticed, but some apps can increase feelings of anxiety, depression and isolation. Every time you want to drink a Break on your phone, try to choose another activity that really helps you relax.

19. Create a sleep routine for me:

Do you wake up tired or feel like you never get enough rest? Maybe it has to do with your habits before you go to bed. This is when you can take several items from this list and do them all right before bed: your routine of Skin Care, stretch and meditate. It doesn't have to be these activities. The only important thing is that 30 minutes before bed you avoid your phone and do activities that relax you, such as reading or talking with a loved one.

20. Start therapy:

You don't need to be in crisis to begin a psychotherapeutic process that will help you grow and raise your emotional well-being. The cognitive behavioral therapy provided by Mindsurf psychologists can help you develop tools that allow you to deal with the problems, emotions and stress of daily life. Choose from dozens of therapists at Mindsurf and start your journey of fulfillment in 2024.

21. Drink more teas:

Few things in life are as comforting as holding a steaming cup in your hands and tucking yourself in on a cloudy day. Although coffee can give us more energy and help our concentration, too much caffeine can cause anxiety, agitation and headaches. On the other hand, by acquiring the habit of drinking teas and tisanes, we can benefit from the multiple properties they contain. Relax with chamomile tea, sleep peacefully with lavender tea, or boost your mood with green tea.

22. Light candles:

Surprisingly, it's the smallest things that can make us feel better. Candles are an excellent element for the decoration and ambience of your home. But, in addition, these objects of light and aroma have been linked to the activation of the limbic system and the improvement of mood.

23. Comer Snacks Healthy

Nutrition plays an extremely important role in mental health, but trying to eat healthily isn't as difficult as it seems. In a hurry, it can be very tempting to choose ultra-processed foods that increase the chance of feeling more tired, depressed and anxious. Take a few minutes to put between your things a container of Snacks healthy foods such as some fruit, vegetables or a handful of nuts, and stay away from those foods that make you feel worse.


24. Making the bed:

The lying bed looks really nice, but the psychological benefits of doing so are more beautiful. Taking care of where we sleep increases our sense of security, respect for ourselves, our self-esteem, our affection for us and our sense of worth. If you're struggling with your self-love, here's a small action you can take to promote it. In addition, Midsurf has a program specifically designed to work on self-esteem that we recommend you check.

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